Commercial Services
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Edible Food Recovery Program
Food recovery means collecting edible food that would otherwise go to waste and redistributing it to feed people in need. To reduce food waste and address food insecurity, the County of El Dorado will be developing an edible food recovery program to support local businesses and suppliers to manage their surplus of edible food – ensuring it will go to food banks, soup kitchens, and other food recovery organizations and services to help feed local community members in need.
Edible food includes but is not limited to:
- Prepared foods
- Packaged foods
- Produce
Food can often go unsold due to oversupply, size, appearance, labels, or age. Often this food is still edible and can be redistributed. Feeding hungry people through food recovery is the best use for surplus food and a vital way for California to conserve resources and reduce waste thrown in landfills.
Why it's important?
Californians send 11.2 billion pounds of food to landfills each year. A new law, Senate Bill (SB) 1383, requires each jurisdiction in California to implement an edible food recovery program, which will:
- Feed hungry people
- Create new jobs
- Strengthen relationships between food donors and food recovery organizations
- Help create sustainable funding for food recovery organizations
- Build more resilient communities
Implementing a food recovery program will also save landfill space and lower methane emissions.
Laws and Regulations
To reduce food waste and help address food insecurity, SB 1383 requires California to recover 20% of edible food by 2025 to feed people in need.
The law directs jurisdictions to establish food recovery programs and identify food generators to recover and donate the maximum amount of their edible food that would otherwise go to landfills. SB 1383 allows food donors to work with and deliver to food recovery organizations like food banks and pantries, soup kitchens, and food recovery services.
The law phases food donors under two tiers. The first tier is required to donate starting in 2022. The second tier is required to donate starting in 2024. Mandated food donors can help their communities now by starting to work with local food banks, food pantries, and other food recovery organizations and services.
Who is required to comply?
Tier 1 – Tier one businesses typically have more produce, fresh grocery, and shelf-stable foods to donate. Tier 1 includes:
- Wholesale food vendors
- Food service providers
- Food distributors
- Grocery stores (greater than or equal to 10,000 sq. ft.) and supermarkets
All Tier 1 facilities will receive a Letter outlining the requirements.
Tier 2 – Tier two businesses typically have more prepared foods to donate, which often require more careful handling to meet food safety requirements (e.g. time and temperature controls). Tier 2 includes:
- Hotels with an on-site food facility and over 200 rooms
- Restaurant facilities greater than or equal to 5,000 sq. ft. or with over 250 seats
- Health facilities with on-site food facility and over 100 beds)State agency cafeterias greater than 5,000 sq. ft. or with over 250 seats
- Local education agencies with on-site food facility
- Large venues and events
In addition, mandated food donors (Tier 1 & Tier 2 commercial edible food generators) are required to do the following in order to recover edible food before going to the waste landfill and be compliant with the law:
1. Establish Contracts and Written Agreements with Food Recovery Organizations and Services - To ensure that the maximum amount of edible food is recovered, mandated food donors are required to establish contracts or written agreements with food recovery organizations and services.
2. Recordkeeping - The law requires mandated food donors to maintain records of their food donation activities.
Where can I donate my food?
There are both Federal and State laws that provide liability protections for good faith food donors.
California Good Samaritan Food Donation Act (AB 1219)
Federal Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act
Safe Surplus Food Donation
Donating Surplus Food - Guidance Handout
Donating Surplus Food - Food Facility Toolkit

Food Recovery Services & Organizations in the El Dorado County Area:
Food Bank Of El Dorado County 4550 Business Dr, Cameron Park, CA 95682 (530) 621-9950
Placer Food Bank 8284 Industrial Ave, Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 783-0481
Find a Local Food Bank for other locations
More information about SB 1383 and food donor requirements can be found on the CalRecycle webpage.
SB 1383 requires that commercial businesses need to divert their organic material. Not sure if your business is required to divert organic waste? Send an email to El Dorado Disposal’s Sustainability Team at [email protected]
Send an email to El Dorado Disposal’s Sustainability Team at [email protected].
Yes, Multi-Family properties are required to divert food waste and landscaping waste per SB 1383. If you would like help navigating education for your tenants email [email protected].
BPI certified compostable bags are accepted in our organics carts and bins. We ask that these bags are green in color. The green colored bag is helpful to our drivers to identify contamination. We do not accept any compostable utensils or straws in our program.
Yes, we do allow BPI Approved GREEN biodegradable bags. We recommend our “bucket to bin” method, which means collecting food waste in a buckets and transferring the food waste into the dumpster. Send an email to us at [email protected] if your business would like technical collection assistance.
Yes, we do allow food soiled paper products including napkins, paper plates, coffee filters and wax covered cardboard products.
We collect in 35 gallon containers, 1 yard dumpsters, and 2 yard dumpsters.
Minimum is once a week collection. Maximum is three times a week collection.
Yes, site visits are recommended before starting an organics collection program. Please contact El Dorado Disposal’s Sustainability Team to arrange a visit [email protected].
The items that can be put in a residential or commercial dumpster may vary We offer free printed flyers and posters in English and Spanish for Food Waste, Recycling, and Garbage. Site visits, staff trainings, and technical assistance are also available. Contact El Dorado Disposal’s Sustainability Team [email protected], to arrange for any of these services.
If you have any additional questions regarding your services, please contact our offices.